Balcony Sink
Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 1.5 miles
Cost: Free
Balcony Sink is a beautiful open-air cave with a stunning waterfall. A permit is required to enter. You cannot go to this cave alone. 3 adults are required to go to this cave. In order to enter the cave, you must have vertical caving gear and knowledge. The sinkhole and waterfall are a sight to see even if you do not go into the cave. In order to get the expertise needed for vertical caving, you can join the Huntsville Grotto.
In this guide, I will go over how to get a permit. Directions to the cave are given when you receive a permit.
Nearby Vertical Caves:
Stephen’s Gap
Neversink Pit
You’re forgetting this gear. Here’s the most underrated gear you’re missing.
To start, go to the SCCi Permit website. Click the button “Click here to register” and register an account. SCCi will send you a confirmation email. After you have successfully set up an account, move on to the next step.
After you create an account, go back to SCCi Permit website and log-in. After you log-in, move onto the next step.
After you log-in, if it does not automatically land you on the New Permit page, click the “New Permit” button. From here you can Fill out a New Permit.
After you fill out a new permit, SCCi will send you a release form. All members of your party must sign the release form. After the release form is filled out, SCCi will need to approve your permit and you will receive a permit you will need to print out and put on your dashboard as well as directions to get to the cave.
After you sign the release form, SCCi will send you an email with your permit which you will need to print and put into your dashboard. Directions and other instructions will be sent in this email as well.
Happy Caving!

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