Difficulty: Difficult
Distance: 1.5 miles roundtrip
Entry Fee: Free
Coal Mine Branch Falls is a secluded waterfall in the Bankhead National Forest. It is a hard “trail” to follow but leads to a beautiful waterfall.
NOTE: Please know that this is how I got to the falls. I have seen other guides that went a different way!
You must catch these waterfalls after heavy rain.
This area is part of dispersed recreation in Bankhead National Forest. There is NO MAINTAINED TRAIL. Please note that dispersed recreation sometimes has a "social trail" that you can follow. Some of these are easy to follow and some of them you cannot follow. Please note that these trails can change very quickly and may be easy to follow one season and completely overgrown the next. Always bring a map, compass, and GPS with you while hiking Bankhead National Forest.
If you are still using your phone for navigation. You should at least buy a power bank.
Bankhead Map
Buy a printed map here.
Coal Mine Falls is located an hour and a half’s drive southwest from Huntsville. It is located in Bankhead National Forest
You cannot just Google Coal Mine Falls, click here for directions!

Trailhead/Parking Lot

The parking lot is not well marked but is almost at the loop at the end of the road. The trailhead is marked with a single sign that reads “314”. There isn’t very much parking, but there are very few people who hike this trail.

After hiking maybe 100 yds, you will come to a field. There is a path around the outside of the field to circle it clockwise. Follow the path. When you get to the end of the field (pictured) TURN LEFT INTO THE BUSHES. If you are looking at a map, straight will take you to the main river, but we are trying to get to the creekbed that leads to that river. You will go through 50 ft of bushes and instantly see an opening that leads downhill.

Steep Hill

After you go through the bushes, you will come across a very steep hill. Be careful working your way down this hill. Be sure to check for snakes for every step and remember that they love to hang out under logs. At the bottom of the hill is a stream. Head downstream to the waterfall.
Top of the Waterfall

After following the creek downstream you will come across the top of Coal Mine Falls. If you follow the ridge to the right, you can find a hill down to the bottom of the falls.

Lower Coal Mine Falls

Down at the bottom of the waterfall, you can make your way to the beautiful pool at the bottom, enjoy the scenery, and if its summer, swim.
Upper Coal Mine Falls

Return to the top of Lower Coal Mine Falls and head upstream following the main creek the entire time. You may have to cross the stream a few times, cross over downed logs, and climb a little to get there, but the waterfall is beautiful and worth it. Head back out the way you came in.

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