Rating: Moderate
Distance: 3 Miles Total
Entry Cost: Free
Beware of Sinkholes
Hard to follow trails
Plenty of thorns
Download Trail Map from the Land Trust of North Alabama website!
Lost Sink trail on Keel Mountain Preserve is an uphill hike to a very cool large sinkhole with a waterfall disappearing underground.
Lost Sink Trail is located on Keel Mountain in Gurley southeast of downtown Huntsville.
Google Maps Keel Mountain Preserve or look at our map above!
Video by: SparrowDroneHSV
Trailhead/Parking Lot
This parking lot is not marked but is still apparent when you are passing by. Looking in, you will see a gravel parking lot with a trailhead map in the back right corner (shown in picture) and a Keel Mountain Sign. The trailhead is very well marked by a large sign. The parking lot is big enough to hold about a dozen cars.


The trail continuously changes from rock path to dirt path the entire way. There are plenty of thorny vines around, so be careful to stay on the path. The path is not always well marked so pay attention! If you lose the path, just backtrack until you find the trail again. The path is heavily uphill, so be prepared to hike hard!
Check out our Gear suggestions!
Summer Hiking Essentials
Summer Camping EssentialsÂ
Outdoor Sandal
Downed Trees

There are several downed trees on the path. Some of these trees appear to have several paths coming off of them. When you see this downed tree (shown), be sure to go down and to the left and not up and to the right. If you feel like there shouldn’t be downed trees, we agree! Help the land trust clear these paths and Volunteer!

Trail Signs

All of the trail signs looked like the picture provided (Yellow arrow with green background). Most of them direct you exactly where you need to go.
WHEN YOU SEE THIS TORN SIGN, GO UP TO THE RIGHT, do not go straight. It is the only sign I found misleading.
CAUTION: Be careful going down to the bottom of the falls and around the falls! The bottom is very slippery and is a 30ft+ drop into a cave where you are not likely to have cell phone service!
The waterfall is visually spectacular and unique, especially Spring/Summer/Fall when everything is very green and there are thick moss and ferns growing everywhere. You can hike up behind the sinkhole, but be sure you respect the no human zones!

Sink Holes

CAUTION: If you are with CHILDREN or DOGS, please keep them CLOSE! There are sinkholes around this area which have provided us with the beautiful waterfall, but also give us dangerous sinkholes that go straight down 100 ft. We repelled into one once and I remember ascending every foot of rope. If you are not an experienced caver DO NOT attempt to repel into these caves. Verticle caving is a VERY DANGEROUS activity and there is plenty that can go wrong. If you are interested in learning how to cave, please join the Huntsville Grotto.
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