Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 0.25 mile
Cost: $3.50 for adults, $2.50 for children

Natural Bridge is a beautiful large natural bridge located in Natural Bridge, AL. It is a short easy hike and despite not being located in Bankhead National Forest, it will give you a taste of the forest.

You can likely get to the natural bridge with a cane or walker.

Your underwear is keeping you hot. Find a better pair.

Natural Bridge is located 1.75 hrs southwest of Huntsville (West of Bankhead National Forest). 

Google Maps Natural Bridge Park or click on our map above!


There is plenty of parking spot available (I didn’t get a picture but click the picture and it will take you to the google photosphere). Proceed to the shop to pay for your visit. The entrance is on the other side of the shop.

Natural Bridge

There honestly isn’t a ton to this park, but the main attraction (the natural bridge) is a wonder itself. There are some interesting rock formations and a long trail included, so back your bags and explore!

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