Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Distance: 4 miles Round Trip
Entry Fee: Free
Sousougahoagdee Falls is a beautiful waterfall located in Bankhead National Forrest Southwest of Huntsville. The trail is heavily trafficked and offers wonderful views.
This area is part of dispersed recreation in Bankhead National Forest. There is NO MAINTAINED TRAIL. Please note that dispersed recreation sometimes has a "social trail" that you can follow. Some of these are easy to follow and some of them you cannot follow. Please note that these trails can change very quickly and may be easy to follow one season and completely overgrown the next. Always bring a map, compass, and GPS with you while hiking Bankhead National Forest.
If you are still using your phone for navigation. You should at least buy a power bank.
Bankhead Map
Buy a printed map here.
Sougahoadee Falls is an hour and a half drive from Huntsville and is on the East side of Bankhead National Forest.
Google Maps Sougahoagdee Falls Parking or look at our map above!

The trailhead is in a remote part of Bankhead National Forest right next to a bridge. There is limited parking for maybe 2 or 3 cars. Following the GPS is by far the easiest way to get there. It is very obvious where you are supposed to park. There is only one trailhead and it is well marked.

Check out our Gear suggestions!
Summer Hiking Essentials
Summer Camping EssentialsÂ
Outdoor Sandal


The trail is mostly well marked and easy to follow. The trail follows the river and is partially an old dirt road. As long as you are following the river, you won’t get lost. There are a few places the trail splits and a small trail follows the river while the dirt road goes off another direction. We found it best to follow the river, but the road does meet back up with the river farther down the trail. There are several downed trees to navigate through, but mostly it’s an easy, flat trail.
No Name Waterfall

The no name waterfall is visible from the trail. Sougahoagdee Falls is not far from here, but this no name warterfall is definitely worth exploring. It trickles down tall steep rock into a small pool at the bottom.Â

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